
Most Asked Bootstrap Multiple Choice Questions

Most Asked Bootstrap Multiple Choice Questions 1) Who developed the bootstrap? James Gosling Mark Jukervich Dennis Ritchie Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton  Answer: (d) Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton Explanation: Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton developed bootstrap at Twitter. It was released as an open-source product in August 2011 on GitHub. 2) Is Bootstrap3 mobile-first? True False Can't say May be  Answer: (a) True Explanation: Bootstrap 3 is the most stable version of Bootstrap, and it is still supported by the team for critical bugfixes and documentation changes. Bootstrap is more than efficient to create a responsive and mobile-first website. 3) Which of the following class in Bootstrap is used to provide a responsive fixed width container? .container-fixed .container-fluid .container All of the above  Answer: (c) .container Explanation: In Bootstrap, a container is used to set the content's margins dealing with the responsive behaviors of your layout. The .container class i...

Class 10th Science Multiple Choice Questions

Class 10th Science Multiple Choice Questions 1) What is a balanced chemical equation? The equation in which the number of reactants is equal to the number of products. The equation in which the size of the reactant is equal to the size of the product. The equation in which the number of atoms of the reactant is equal to the number of atoms of the product. The equation in which the number of the molecule is equal to the number of the product.  Answer: (c) The equation in which the number of atoms of the reactant is equal to the number of atoms of the product. Explanation: An equation of mass value can neither be created nor destroyed, so the mass and atom value on both sides of the equation must be equal. 2) Sodium + Water → Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Sodium Hydrate + Hydrogen Sodium Hydroxide + Water Sodium Hydride + Water  Answer: (a) Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen. Explanation: Sodium + Water → Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen. 3) What is the color of the silver chloride? Grey Whit...

Most Asked Number System Multiple Choice Questions

Most Asked Number System Multiple Choice Questions 1) Every rational number is a - Whole number Real number Natural number None of the above  Answer: (b) Real number Explanation: The numbers which can be found on the number line and include both rational and irrational numbers are known as real numbers, e.g., -1.5,√2,0,1,2,3,π.Almost any number which you can imagine is a real number. 2) Between any two numbers, there are - Two rational numbers No rational number Infinite rational numbers None of the above  Answer: (c) Infinite rational numbers Explanation: There are infinite rational numbers in between any two numbers. 3) What will be the value of x3 + y3 + z3, if x + y + z = 0? 3xyz 2xyz xyz xyz(xy + yz + zx)  Answer: (a) 3xyz Explanation: It is given that x + y + z = 0 On cubing both sides, we will get (x + y + z)3 = 0 x3 + y3 + z3 - 3xyz = 0 So, the value of x3 + y3 + z3 = 3xyz 4) Digit 1 is occurring 136 times on writing all of the page numbers of a book. What will be...

Software Testing Multiple Choice Questions

Software Testing Multiple Choice Questions In this section, we are going to see a list of the top 50 frequently asked Software Testing questions in MCQ style with the correct choice of answer among various options along with suitable Explanation. These Software Testing questions and answers emphasize all the areas of a specific topic. And this article is prepared to covers over more than ten topics in software testing. From the competitive exams and interviews point of view, these multiple-choice questions and answers are very helpful. 1) Which of the following testing technique deeply emphasizes on testing of one specific module? Inter-system testing Gorilla Testing Breadth Testing Fuzz Testing  Answer: (b) Gorilla Testing Explanation: In software testing, Gorilla testing is required to check the functionality of a particular module at a time. In other words, we can say that gorilla testing is important where a module of the system is frequently tested to guarantee that it is work...